Main Task/ Construction

Ancillary Task 1
Here is a mock up design of my title sequence. 

Having looked at my mock up video there are a few floors I picked out. Firstly, the images are stills and, having looked at real news title sequences, still images are not used. Therefore I need to collect moving footage. Secondly, the main focus of my title sequence was urban, there wasnt any rural shots, nor was there any real evidence of mulitple cultures and economy. Thirdly, the music used wasn't royality free. Therefore, I must get some royalty free music. 





These are the videos I took after an independent trip to Birmingham City. As you can see, there is a range of camera movements used such as panning up, left to right etc. Also I used different speeds on my footage, to really fit the conventions of TV News title sequences.
Here is my final title sequence. I decided that, like most TV news these days, I would include my anchor in my title sequence and let him introduce the programme and give the headlines. I had moving images of urban, rural, economic and different cultures, with some panning across the screen and/or being sped up. Also, I used royalty free theme music from 

Ancillary Task 2
Here is my radio advert. I decided that I should keep it as short as possible but straight to the point, so that the audience don't loose focus whilst listening to it. 

Story Ideas
Here is my mind map from my school book. As you can see, I have listed both soft and hard news stories but also listed reasons as to why I would use such stories. I decided that on my hard and soft story and wrote a script for the reports, using theories in the process.

To get a more visual look of how my programme would run, I decided to make a story board.

I had to plan what I would need for the recording of my programme, here is my list:

Main Task
Here is my Hard story. 

Here is my Soft story.

Here is my weather and ending.

Here is my news programme fully, with all segments together in a five minute clip.

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